Secure Image Viewer is a copy-protection tool for your image library. If you have lots of graphical information that you want to share, but you don’t want your users would copy it – this tool is for you. Secure Image Viewer works on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. It supports customizing and language adaptation. The application is fully portable. No need to install! Just download and run. See our DEMO to test.
Additional Features
This is online tool. It means that you can work with it only online
Secure Image Viewer is a copy-protection tool for your image library
Secure Image Viewer allows to organize, view, scale, rotate, compare images inside your library
All images are crypted “on the fly” using SSL encryption and a key, generated each time the user download an image
The best way to learn about our program is to test it. We created special DEMO server and DEMO client. You can download program here and test it using demo account:
login: demo
password: demo
Demo-version not binded to your PC, so it will work on any PC you want. We have created several folders to test some features of the program. To test big pictures go to MAPS folder.
login: demo
password: demo
Demo-version not binded to your PC, so it will work on any PC you want. We have created several folders to test some features of the program. To test big pictures go to MAPS folder.
Client-side application needs no installation. Just download and run it. Use File-Connect to request connection to the server, input your user name and password to login.
Server-side application is high-customizable. After all sources are ready – just upload them by FTP or another way and everything would work.
In order to upload images, the folders with preview images must be prepared with special tool and then upload to the server..